Thank you for your interest in the New York PhotoBus! There is a reason you are here and have found us. You are seconds from taking the first step to an incredible and memorable wedding reception.

Since all our work is tailored to your unique vision so we can make sure you get exactly what you want, the next step is to schedule a time to speak with one of our experience planners to go over your vision and see what's right for you.


You will also receive a weekly email with useful information helpful to you in planning your wedding, like: 

* The Biggest Concerns of Brides

* How to Plan a Stress-Free Wedding Reception

* Tips to make yours the wedding people will remember

And much more!

I promise that you will love what you see. If you pay attention to the information and read it in detail, I guarantee you are on your way to having a wedding reception that you and your guests will rave about and will probably save yourself a lot of money and hassle.

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